One Million Meditations
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Manifest the Life your Soul Wants you to Live with Shadow Work

Manifest the Life your Soul Wants you to Live with Shadow Work

  • Date Wed, 27 Oct 2021  - Wed, 27 Oct 2021
  • Time 11:00 AM  - 1:00 PM
  • Location anywhere, VIRTUAL
  • Organiser The Wild Ones

ONLINE EVENT!! YOU can have the ability to heal your current self, your shadow self, and your highest authentic self
About this event
Manifestation is an incredibly powerful tool . . . for people who know EXACTLY what they want.
But most people have buried their true desires.
They are disempowered and feel guilt or shame. When we uncover these desires through shadow work we can supercharge our ability to manifest.
“When the sun shines down on us we are able to see our shadow.”
This also happens when we do our inner work.
In this workshop, we will explore how the shadow self can become a source of empowerment.
YOU can have the ability to heal your current self, your shadow self, and your highest authentic self. Merging these three is a powerful integration that allows us to uncover unrealized dreams and unlock your true powers of manifestation.
Join Nicole Lovince for this powerful workshop specifically designed to integrate your shadow self. Trained as an Intuitive Theta Healer, Nicole will take us on a journey to connect with the pieces of ourselves we have been hiding in the shadows

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