One Million Meditations
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Creating Connection- Meditation Class

Creating Connection- Meditation Class

  • Date Thu, 22 Jun 2023  - Thu, 22 Jun 2023
  • Time 6:00 PM  - 7:00 PM
  • Location Rosebery, NSW
  • Price $10.00 - $
  • Organiser Selph

Create more genuine connection with yourself and with others, and invite more love, strength and happiness into your life.

Our Creating Connection meditation class series will explore the art of cultivating genuine connections with ourselves and others. They’ll work on helping you find and connect with your inner peace, build loving relationships and manifest more joy in your life.
In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose touch with our true selves as well as those around us. By practicing mindfulness techniques that encourage self-awareness, compassion & empathy ,we can foster deeper connections within ourselves which extends towards people in our lives.
Through a combination of guided meditations, breathing exercises techniques, these class invite you on an inward journey towards understanding their own thoughts/feelings while learning how they interact with external world .
Classes cater for all levels of meditators, you can attend either one or all classes.

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