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Move over bootcamp and say hello to Boost Camp- here to help you overhaul your health in 28-days

Move over bootcamp and say hello to Boost Camp- here to help you overhaul your health in 28-days

Community Announcement


Meet the woman who has helped tens of thousands of Australian women overhaul their health while still enjoying restaurant-quality meals.
Bridget Foliaki-Davis, the founder of Bridget's Healthy Kitchen is a world-renowned chef and 5 x award-winning author turned health expert. She has founded a 28-Day Boost Camp nutritional program designed to help people lose weight and feel great without compromising on taste.
The next program intake is September 9, 2024 and you can expect:
  • Four weeks of easy and delicious meal plans
  • 4 x Zoom meetings where the real secrets behind weight loss and scientific evidence will be discussed
  • Delicious gluten free, sugar free and dairy free recipes that you will enjoy eating and cooking
  • Burn fat naturally by eating well and smart 
Why Bridget founded the 28-Day Nutritionist Boost Camp 
Following a devastating miscarriage in 2017, Bridget fell into a pattern of self-destructive eating and drinking which resulted in a pre-diabetic diagnosis, fatty liver, and obesity.
In 2018, daunted by an upcoming TV appearance, Bridget desperately wanted to lose weight quickly and was intrigued by how many times recipes that prioritised gut health principles came up. However, those recipes looked tasteless and Bridget could not imagine they would inspire anyone to eat well.
Bridget began developing and testing recipes, and to her amazement, she dropped 11kg in just five weeks. Bridget went on to shed a total of 35kg without extreme exercise or a restrictive diet. She first turned her recipes into several books and amassed a huge following which now exceeds 300, 000 across several platforms. From there the 28-Day Boost Camp was born.
You can sign up anytime, but if you don’t want to miss any zoom sessions, the next intake begins on September 9, 2024. 


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