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Plant-based fitness junkies, this new vegan protein has an added healthy bonus

Plant-based fitness junkies, this new vegan protein has an added healthy bonus

Product Launch
20 March 2023

Vegans and plant-based lovers, there’s a new kid on the block in the protein powder aisle, and this one has an added bonus of helping to nourish your gut as well as recover from your workouts.  
Sports nutrition brand True Protein has dropped the ‘next generation of protein powder’- a 100% plant-based formula  made from a blend of high-quality plant-based sources including Aussie yellow pea, faba bean and organic pumpkin seed proteins, carefully chosen to provide all the essential amino acids your body needs to build and repair muscle with a full spectrum amino acid profile — but the benefits don’t end there!
Along with being focussed on repair for your bod, the blend also includes clinically proven doses of probiotics to maintain regularity in the bathroom, stimulate the gut microbiome and restore digestive health. Unlike other blends that might leave you bloated, there’s also digestive enzymes to make it easy to digest without upsetting your gut. Of course, you can guarantee there’s no added sugars or artificial nasties, making it the perfect blend for any vegans or people simply looking to make their diet more plant-based wanting to up their protein intake and fuel their workouts.
Grab the new protein in French vanilla, chocolate or natural flavours, the perfect addition to your morning smoothie, with free shipping on orders over $99.


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