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You can now bag eco-friendly cleaning and beauty products Zero Co at Woolworths

You can now bag eco-friendly cleaning and beauty products Zero Co at Woolworths

Community Announcement
10 January 2023

Doing better for the planet by cutting down your household waste has never been easier! Single-use plastic free cleaning and body care brand Zero Co is now stocked in the aisles of Woolworths around the country.
On a mission to un-trash the planet, Zero Co provides a sustainable solution to help you ditch single-use plastic from your kitchen, laundry and bathroom. All you have to do is pick yourself up a starter pack with a set of forever bottles made from recycled ocean, beach and landfill waste, a set of refillable pouches and a postage paid-return mailer, and then you can send your pouches in to be refilled when you’re running low on product and they’ll be mailed back to your house. Say bye bye to having to throw out your product bottles!
Zero Co has all your home cleaning and personal care needs covered with their range including laundry and dishwashing liquid, stainless steel pegs, toilet paper, bathroom cleaner, multi-purpose cleaner, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant and much more. Not only are they free from single-use plastic, they also use natural ingredients that are healthier for your body and our waterways.
Ready to swap out your conventional, plastic cleaning or body care products for an alternative that doesn’t end up in landfill? You can find Zero Co at your local Woollies store while shopping for your weekly groceries!


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