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This is how you can win tickets to see Jack Johnson live thanks to Take 3 for the Sea

This is how you can win tickets to see Jack Johnson live thanks to Take 3 for the Sea

15 November 2022

The org on a mission to help tackle plastic waste Take 3 for the Sea is giving you the opportunity to win two tickets to see Jack Johnson live at the Sydney Opera House on the 7th December!⁠
Jack Johnson is heading off on his Meet the Moonlight Tour of Australia and New Zealand as a not-for-profit All At Once partner, the musician’s social action network. The organisation was founded to help you make an impact for your local community and the planet by promoting sustainable local food systems and plastic free initiatives, and highlighting not-for-profits and volunteer opportunities.
Take 3 for the Sea is a global movement to tackle plastic pollution that’s damaging our waterways and marine life by encouraging everyone to pick up three pieces of rubbish whenever they go out near any waterway.
All you have to do to go into the draw to win is picking up rubbish and posting a pic to Instagram with  #take3forthesea — check out all the deets here!


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