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Winter Solstice Journey - Wintering with Quan Yin - Dance, Sacred Meditation, Art

Winter Solstice Journey - Wintering with Quan Yin - Dance, Sacred Meditation, Art

  • Date Sun, 18 Jun 2023  - Sun, 18 Jun 2023
  • Time 2:00 PM  - 6:00 PM
  • Location Newtown, NSW
  • Price $75.00 - $
  • Organiser Cantadora Jo Rockendorfer

Winter Solstice ~ Wintering with Quan Yin ~ Goddess of Compassion
Dance ~ Sacred Meditation ~ Creative
Within the body you are wearing,
now, inside the bones and beating in the heart,
lives the one you have been searching for so long       ........     Robert Hall
As the pendulum of light and dark widens, we will reflect on and reach our innermost still point, bringing presence to ourselves.
The single most core and common suffering, is this inability to hold ourselves kindly. This creates a severed belonging, were we can be locked  in loops of fear, shame and anger, cut off from the more integrated being.
And we ask.....
How do we hold ourselves in kindness, believing we are flawed?
Calling on Tenderness
She who harkens the cry of the world,
Goddess of mercy and compassion
Tara, The Gem in the Lotus
Opening our hearts to ourselves.
Can you inhabit your most awake heart, your bodisatva self, your future self, that what your evolving into so you can offer inward what is most needed.
Letting the vulnerable place be bathed in care and simply rest in the presence that's here.
Compassion serves the awakened heart, the divine abode, the home that is our true nature, loving kindness/loving presence.

We will lead you into a Winter Solstice journey through 5Rhythns dance, sacred meditation and art. Through collage divine your journey over the winter months till we meet again at the Spring Equinox.

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