One Million Meditations
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Clear Seeing - One Day Insight Meditation Retreat

Clear Seeing - One Day Insight Meditation Retreat

  • Date Sun, 11 Jun 2023  - Sun, 11 Jun 2023
  • Time 10:00 AM  - 4:30 PM
  • Location Oxford Falls, NSW
  • Price $60.00 - $
  • Organiser Still Water Insight

Clear Seeing - A One Day Insight Meditation Retreat
This one-day meditation retreat is an opportunity to reconnect with your true nature using the body as a vehicle for awakening and freedom. Meditation offers a means to become more present in our lives and more aware of what's happening in our experience. By slowing down, finding calm and tranquillity, we can develop more insight and a greater ability to meet the ups and downs of life. Becoming more embodied helps us rest in a reliable place of inner ground and ease.
Take time to connect with…
Your meditation practice... through guided practices and alternating sitting/ walking meditation
Your body... through mindful movement
Your dhamma community... through mindful listening and speaking and relational inquiry practices
The program will consist of guided meditation practices, walking meditation, relational inquiry, dharma talks and mindful movement.
Where: Oxford Falls Peace Park
Corner of Wakehurst Parkway and Dreadnought Road, Oxford Falls
Cost: $60 + Dana
The course fee covers hall hire and admin costs only.

Additional Cost 'Dana' - In keeping with a 2,500 year old tradition no fee has been charged for the teachings. At the end of the  course, you are invited to give a donation (dana) to express your appreciation and to support the teacher to continue her work.​

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