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Learn about sustainable eating in this free guide and score $10 off regenerative meals

Learn about sustainable eating in this free guide and score $10 off regenerative meals

20 February 2024

We know the power of voting with our dollar for a healthier planet, and the same thing goes for the food we put on our plate. We get it — sorting through supermarket options from conventional agriculture to shipped produce for food that aligns with your ecological principles can be a minefield, but this quick guide to sustainable and healthy eating from regenerative meal delivery service The Good Farm Shop is here to make the process simple and easy!
Inside the guide you’ll find a breakdown of what processed food labels really mean, including the likes of trans fats, added sugars and processed oils, questions to ask when sourcing more sustainable options from local suppliers and a glossary of all the different sustainable farming terms.
‘Eating with both our health and the planet in mind is a powerful choice that reverberates beyond our plates. By making mindful and sustainable food choices, such as opting for regenerative and organic produce, we nourish not only our bodies but also the delicate ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.’
Oh, and did we mention that it also contains a cheeky $10 off code so you can bag some of their delish meals or condiments? Simply head to the website and drop your details into the pop up to receive your copy.


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