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Soft spongy gluten free vegan hot cross buns by this award winning bakery are back

Soft spongy gluten free vegan hot cross buns by this award winning bakery are back

Community Announcement
12 March 2024

Award winning Wholegreen Bakery’s healthier hot cross buns are back and now available instore and for order. Whether it’s for home, a gift, or an office Easter do- these buns are sure to impress because not only are they tasty but they cater to gluten free dietary needs and are sans lots of the nasty additives you might find in supermarket gluten-free buys.
The Coeliac Australia endorsed Hot Cross Buns are available in traditional fruit or dark chocolate and sour cherry flavours and are not only gluten free but vegan and free of soy and nuts.
You can get your hot cross bun fix by ordering them online or drop into one of  Wholegreen Bakery’s three locations at Alexandria, Waverly, or the CBD, where you can also sink your teeth into some of their other super tasty sweet and savoury delights!
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