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Get the latest audiobook about eating for good heart health in your ears

Get the latest audiobook about eating for good heart health in your ears

Product Launch
08 May 2023

What should we be eating for a healthy, happy heart? Introducing a ground-breaking book that addresses the importance of heart health. With cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for almost one-third of all deaths, it's essential to understand the scientific factors in our diets and lifestyles that affect our risk of developing heart disease, as well as other health concerns.
Nutrition scientist, author, and speaker Dr Joanna McMillan delivers valuable insights from the field of lifestyle medicine, cutting through the noise to dispel myths and misconceptions about heart health. Her book encourages readers to enjoy eating and living well, and to make better choices when possible.
Heartfull is not about achieving perfection but making progress towards better health. It's about giving and getting more from life through a healthier lifestyle. Forget complex scientific concepts — the book has been written to deliver information, tips and advice in a practical and achievable way that can be incorporated into daily life.
To invest in your longevity and heart health, get your ears around this audio book here

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