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Founder of F45’s new biz has everything mamas need to help them make sustainable choices

Founder of F45’s new biz has everything mamas need to help them make sustainable choices

Product Launch
23 January 2023

New or expecting mamas, this is your one-stop-shop for kitting out your home with all the products you need for your bub that’s better for the planet without compromising on quality.
With a new bub comes a huge list; highchair, toys, strollers, nursery furniture, you name it! With more of us wanting to make more conscious purchasing choices for the planet and not buy new, second-hand baby products are becoming more popular, however there’s no way of ensuring its quality.
Markot is a curated marketplace for the most sought-after baby brands around the world helping put your mind at ease by providing a place where you can cut down your footprint by buying second-hand items that have been checked for quality and cleaned. How does it work when you buy with Markot? Your items will get checked by a curation team to make sure it’s exactly as advertised, cleaned by a professional team of cleaners so it looks new and delivered to your door. If you’re also looking to save money when it comes to buying everything you need for the nursery, you can choose from categories including ‘as good as new’ to ‘well loved’ to work within your budget.
If you’re looking for a solution to reuse your baby furniture and goods when bub grows up, you can also use Markot to sell your pre-loved goods. For new and expecting mamas, you can shop for sustainable baby goods here.


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