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New mamas, this is how you can turn breastfeeding into a ritual

New mamas, this is how you can turn breastfeeding into a ritual

Product Launch
08 May 2023

Breastfeeding your new bub is such an important and special time for bonding with your little one, and now a new way of approaching your breastfeeding time and turning it into a sacred ritual is here.
Mammae exists to help mamas reimagine breastfeeding and cultivate slow, considered, and conscious breastfeeding rituals.  Just in time for Mother’s Day they’ve launched a breastfeeding affirmation card deck, the Bosom Reflections, featuring 31 daily breastfeeding affirmations with an artisan hand-crafted brass vessel to mount.
‘Designed to anchor mama as she slowly emerges into a new realm, this compassionate ritual is an invitation to adapt the minds fluidity, channelling inner maternal wisdom, strength and empowerment. Each card is charged to awaken her true potential and authentic self, inviting mama to experience an abundant and joyful breastfeeding season throughout early motherhood and thereafter.’
Created by Mammae’s Founder based on her own breastfeeding journey to aesthetically represent the softness of motherhood and the maternal female form, the unique affirmations on every card have been selected to ground the senses and enhance oxytocin for inspiration and empowerment.
Don’t miss this affirmation deck for the perfect Mother’s Day gift for a new mama in your life.


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