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You can now become a shareholder in this non-alc distillery

You can now become a shareholder in this non-alc distillery

Community Announcement
30 August 2022

If you’re interested in investing in a conscious brand that’s changing drinking culture, this opportunity could be just the thing you’ve been looking for to play a positive role in the growth of an Aussie wellness business. Equity crowdfunding has become a popular choice of late for brands to grow with companies like Zero Co and Hero Packaging successfully funding their targets in record time and now, after 3 years of growth Monday Distillery has become one of the latest Aussie brands to allow it’s customers to join in on their exciting growth trajectory.
Monday Distillery is the booze-free drinks company revolutionising a night out (or in) with non-alcoholic, sugar-free alternatives to spirits such as gin, tequila, whiskey, aperitif and rum, perfect for the sober curious health lover looking to cut back on booze but not miss out on the fun that connecting over a drink can bring. Set for a period of expansion, the brand has now opened its equity crowdfund to the public for investment.
‘Higher State, the parent company of Monday Distillery and Lunae Sparkling, is doing a capital raise to take both brands to the next level! It will allow us to fill bigger and bigger orders with our existing customers, expand into yet more stores, and build a team to make it happen.’
Find out more and get all of the information you need to make an educated choice as to whether this could be right for you here.


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