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There’s a new first of its kind celebration happening in the Peninsula Hot Springs

There’s a new first of its kind celebration happening in the Peninsula Hot Springs

Community Announcement
23 January 2023

Wellness lovers, we think we may have just found your next dream event. If sitting back and soaking in health-giving mineral waters overlooking the stunning Mornington Peninsula in Victoria sounds like your ideal day, this is for you!
Get ready to awaken your senses and soul. Awaken is the Aussie-first hot springs wellness gathering being held at wellness oasis Peninsula Hot Springs on 26 March designed to help you deepen your understanding of wellness and immerse yourself in an ancient wellbeing method that’s been used around the globe for thousands of years.
‘Awaken is a celebration of music, art, culture, community and geothermal bathing. Practice yoga with world-famous teachers, explore ideas in thought-provoking workshops and enjoy a diverse range of musical performances.’
On the line-up is yoga from renowned teachers like Shiva Rae, educational wellness workshops from experts including the likes of Dr. Bruce Lipton, live music, a massage and healing space, sound healing, a wellness dome village, scenic camping for those who would like to make a trip out of it and much more. Because we know you’re wondering about the food, there’ll be a selection of wholesome hot and cold meals and snacks, salads, gourmet pizzas and substantial bites to munch on the day along with some cheeky drinks and a free filtered water station for you to bring your reusable bottle — or you can DIY and pack your own picnic to enjoy in the scenic grounds!
Whether you’re an hot spring lover or want to try out this healing technique for the first time, don’t miss out on this epic event.


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