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If you love Sydney Vegan Market here’s how you can help make sure the plant based fun continues

If you love Sydney Vegan Market here’s how you can help make sure the plant based fun continues

Community Announcement
14 February 2024

Help keep Sydney’s favourite vegan market going!
If you're a lover of plant based goodness you'd know that Sydney Vegan Market is Sydney’s much-loved celebration of everything plant-based, a monthly showcase of vegan, delish eats and treats and ethical products with live entertainment, serving Sydney’s plant-based community and businesses.
With the current cost of living crisis, the SVM is feeling the pinch and calling for donations to ensure the monthly market event that’s been running since 2017 can continue to be an integral part of Sydney’s vegan community.
‘Prior to the pandemic, Sydney Vegan Market was in a reasonable financial position, and we were even able to build a small surplus to help protect us from surprises. But, unfortunately, Covid took its toll, wiping out our reserves - and now we're dealing with the cost-of-living crisis, which is affecting our stalls and the market itself. Consequently, we haven’t been able to invest as much as we'd like to get SVM back to where we’d all love it to be.’
The market has a goal to raise $50,000 to not only keep running, but also expand its stall base, offer more activities and entertainment, and increase the outreach aspects of the market.

If you've got a few dollars to spare and you'd like to put it towards something that supports the local economy and gives the community a day of fun, you can donate here.
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